
Dragées Hatziyiannakis from the first day of its establishment remains at the area of Piraeus and operates in privately-owned facilities.

The company’s headoffice is located at Thivon 70b, while on the other side of the road (Thivon 55-57) is the Athen’s factory, in a total area of 2300sqm.

The factory is equiped with modern equipments to ensure the quality of the products we produce, and operates in accordance with the international standards for food safety. In this factory we produce, package and safely store our products. From here all of our products are departed to their final destination.

The Thessaloniki branch, also housed in privately-owned facilities, in the area of ​​Kalochori. Covering an area of ​​1000sqm, the plant operates as a chocolate production unit, which is then used as the core for our products.